About the VWMA

The Victorian Waste Management Association (VWMA) is a key division of the Victorian Transport Association, representing the waste and recycling sectors. This member-based, not-for-profit association aims to lead recycling and waste management in Victoria.

The VWMA promotes best practices and high industry standards by providing member services and advice on industrial relations, occupational health and safety, and environmental regulations. It advocates for its members by building relationships with government agencies, the waste industry, and the public.

As a vital voice for Victoria's waste industry, the VWMA represents waste management professionals and stakeholders across the state. Through engagement with government and industry partners, it communicates the needs and challenges within the sector. By promoting sustainable practices, supporting innovation, and fostering collaboration, the VWMA helps develop efficient waste management systems and policies, unifying the industry to navigate evolving regulations and drive positive change toward sustainability.

The Victorian waste and recycling industry plays a crucial role in fostering a sustainable society by managing waste, reducing landfill use, and minimizing pollution. It generates jobs, stimulates economic growth, and encourages innovation in waste management technologies. By promoting reuse and recycling, the VWMA and its members address waste challenges and support circular economy principles, contributing to a cleaner, healthier future for the state and its communities.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the leading association in waste management and resource recovery, advocating for members and promoting the industry to government, community, and industry stakeholders for sustainable growth and development.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Victorian Waste Management Association is to serve as a unified platform for waste management industry professionals, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy. The VWMA aims to promote sustainable practices, drive industry growth, and represent the interests of its members to government, communities, and industry stakeholders.