Reportable Priority Waste Transport Certification
As from 1 July 2023:
Drivers who transport Reportable Priority Waste (as defined by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria) will be required to undertake ‘EPA approved’ training as a condition of their licenses.
Reportable Priority Waste includes;
Contaminated soil (A, B, C and D)
Asbestos and asbestos containing materials
30XY putrescible liquids (such as triple interceptor and grease trap)
Used machine lubricating oils
Chemicals (including acids and bases)
Clinical and related waste
The VWMA Reportable Priority Waste Transport Certification satisfies these EPA requirements for training.
The course accredits drivers to transport Reportable Priority Waste in Victoria for a period of 5 years. The course does not replace dangerous good training. The course is offered both face-to-face and remotely.
Remote Learning
Remote learning is done online through Google Classroom. It can be done at any time and takes approximately 5 hours to complete.
This is the fastest way to become certified. The online material includes a training manual and an examination.
A link to the training materials will be forwarded to person being trained (unless we are advised otherwise).
Face-to-Face Learning
Face-to-face learning is conducted at the VWMA offices in Port Melbourne. The course is completed over the duration of one day.
The course commences at 8:00am and runs through till 3:00pm. All course materials and lunch are provided.
Please contact the VWMA to discuss face-to-face learning dates.
Return completed forms to reception@vta.com.au
For further information please email reception@vta.com.au or we welcome your call on 03 9646 8590
Office hours are 9am until 4.30pm Monday to Friday