VWMA Membership
The VWMA's membership is growing, enhancing our ability to represent the industry and influence laws, regulations, fees and charges. Our website and e-News bulletins keep members informed of industry changes.
Membership is open to businesses and local government in Victoria's waste sector, including transporters, receiving sites, and waste treaters. Associate membership is also available for those providing services to the industry.
Through connections with Victorian Government Agencies such as the EPA, WorkCover, VicRoads, and Sustainability Victoria, the VWMA offers a platform for members to voice concerns and participate in policy discussions. We regularly host Government speakers at functions on relevant topics and maintain professional relationships with the Transport Workers Union on common issues.
To apply for Membership of the VWMA, please complete the form below and we will contact you directly:
Member Benefits
Benefits of VWMA membership include, but are not limited to:
Assistance with developing a professional approach in your business
Regular information and updates on waste issues
Guidance on environmental, industrial, OH&S and transport issues
Co-ordinating representation on issues of importance or impact on members
Advice and information on Government programs
General guidance and assistance in all areas of your business
Access to the Victorian Transport Association business information
Lobbying government and advocating on members’ behalf
Networking opportunities